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Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola




Semolina pasta

1 portion

Rocket salad

a bit

Ricotta cheese

a bit

Mixed mushrooms

a bit

first courses from Italy

Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola

Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola

vegetarian with gluten with lactose high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola

Primo piatto facile e gustoso

Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola step 1

step 1

Cuocere la pasta (penne integrali)

Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola step 2

step 2

Cuocere i funghi

Pasta ricotta, funghi e rucola step 3

step 3

Mischiare la pasta cotta con ricotta e rucola

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