88 recipes


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Brownies Fit




Egg, egg white

2 unit

Dark chocolate, without milk

100 grams

Ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon

Desserts from Italy

Brownies Fit

Brownies Fit

vegetarian with eggs

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Brownies Fit

Brownie is a very sweet dessert typical of the United States. The original version provides different ingredients and several calories. Mine is a variant fit, without butter, gluten-free and lactose-free and with only 2 ingredients, much lighter than the traditional recipe to which it has nothing to envy. A delicious treat to indulge without guilt whenever you feel like it! If you happen to have egg whites, perhaps advanced by other preparations, now you know what to make the Brownies fit can be flavored with cinnamon or ginger.

Brownies Fit step 1

step 1

Preparing brownies fit is quick and easy. First we have to whisk the egg whites stiff.

Brownies Fit step 2

step 2

Then we melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie, we can flavor it with cinnamon or ginger powder. In this case just add a teaspoon in the melted chocolate and mix well.

Brownies Fit step 3

step 3

Pour the chocolate and mix well with the whipped egg whites gently mixing with a spatula the mixture from the bottom up.

placeholder step

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Brownies Fit step 4

step 4

Lay the mixture for the brownies fit in a pan lined with parchment paper. If you prefer a taller brownie you can choose a smaller pan or use a compassionate. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Brownies Fit step 5

step 5

Let cool and cut the brownies in squares.

Brownies Fit step 6

step 6

On my Yayamilla YouTube Channel you can also find the VideoReport to prepare the Fit Brownies, I'll wait for you;)

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