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Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs




Spelled flour

300 grams

Yellow corn flour

50 grams

Instant yeast for savoury dough

1/2 teaspoon


1 pinch


2 pinches

Sunflower oil

60 grams


140 mL

Bakery products from world

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs

vegan with gluten

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs

A good vegan pastry, perfect as a base for pies and savory biscuits.

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs step 1

step 1

In a large bowl weigh the flours, then add the leavening powder and mix everything carefully.

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs step 2

step 2

Practice a small recess in the center and put salt, turmeric, oil and about half of the water inside.

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs step 3

step 3

Begin to amalgamate these ingredients with flour and continue to add water little by little.

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs step 4

step 4

Knead first in the bowl and then on a pastry board until you get a homogeneous dough.

Salted shortcrust without butter and eggs step 5

step 5

You can start working immediately to prepare bases for cakes or savory biscuits: this pastry does not need to rest!

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