58 recipes


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Single dish 1




Whole macaroni

60 grams

Tomato pulp

2 spoons

Green beans

200 grams

Pork loin

2 slices

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon

single courses from Italy - Piemonte

Single dish 1

Single dish 1

with meat with gluten source of B vitamins high in iron source of C vitamins high in potassium high in magnesium with good fats

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Single dish 1

This post is not meant to be a recipe but an example of a single dish for lunch / dinner by integrating all the main macronutrients in the same meal. The main course must consist of: 50% vegetables, green beans in this case with fruit after lunch (not mandatory) 25% of complex carbohydrates, pasta 25% of protein, loin meat. Obviously everything is surrounded by water and extra virgin olive oil which will have the function of unsaturated fat, but above all physical activity. How many of you take this approach?

Single dish 1 step 1

step 1

Premise: the timing I entered is for pork loin, I leave you my preparation method in case you would like to propose it again. I prepared it the previous day and just two slices left that I finished the next day because nothing is thrown away

Single dish 1 step 2

step 2

I turn on the oven at 200 ° and in the meantime, tie the loin with the string, seal it in a non-stick pan with a clove of garlic, rosemary and bay leaf. I seal it well on all 4 sides over high heat and once sealed, I blend with 1/2 glass of white wine and let it evaporate

Single dish 1 step 3

step 3

I turn off the heat, and slowly the loin in a ceramic pan with the sauce, add the salt and put in the oven for about 40 minutes, depending on the size of the piece of meat. Once cooked, I wrap it in aluminum foil and let it cool down to keep the juices

Single dish 1 step 4

step 4

Once cold, cut into thin slices to heat it and serve. The beans were simply steamed, while the tomato room is a simple sauce made only with shallots, basil and extra virgin olive oil

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