101 recipes


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Rosti Di Verdure





2 unit


1 unit


1 unit


1/2 half


1/2 teaspoon


1/2 teaspoon


1/2 teaspoon


1 teaspoon

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

starters from Italy

Rosti Di Verdure

Rosti Di Verdure

vegan source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Rosti Di Verdure

A traditional recipe, revisited in my own way.

Rosti Di Verdure step 1

step 1

medium potatoes, carrot, zucchini and herbs (I use salt, pepper, cumin and turmeric). The extra virgin olive oil, just a little, is used only for cooking.

Rosti Di Verdure step 2

step 2

Wash and clean the vegetables, peeling potatoes and carrot. Even if the potato is a tuber, for the sake of description in this recipe I will call it vegetables.

Rosti Di Verdure step 3

step 3

Use the large holes of a grater to cut the vegetables into flakes. If you use leek (not for intolerance), cut it into strips.

Rosti Di Verdure step 4

step 4

Season with the indicated spices (salt, pepper, cumin, turmeric) and mix very well. Let it rest for five to ten minutes.

Rosti Di Verdure step 5

step 5

Grease a pan lightly, heat it and spoonful the vegetable mixture. Leave the crust and then turn. A few more minutes of cooking and ... voilà, your rösti are ready!

Rosti Di Verdure step 6

step 6

They can be roasted without oil, taking care that the pan is very hot, taking care not to burn them. Roasted rösti without oil are much healthier, but they lose a little taste. I use just a little oil, just to create the non-stick effect.

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