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Puffed oats




Dark chocolate 80%

80 grams

Puffed oats

50 grams

Desserts from Italy

Puffed oats

Puffed oats

vegan high in iron high in magnesium

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Puffed oats

A cupcake without too many second thoughts :)

Puffed oats step 1

step 1

Cut the chocolate and melt it in a bain marie

Puffed oats step 2

step 2

Once melted, remove the bowl and wait for it to cool to room temperature

Puffed oats step 3

step 3

Then add the had and mix well until a homogeneous mixture

Puffed oats step 4

step 4

Take the oat and chocolate mixture and put it on a flat baking sheet by spreading it out evenly

Puffed oats step 5

step 5

Put everything in the fridge and consume it from the next day :)

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