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Water muffins.




Type 00 wheat flour

300 grams

White sugar

140 grams

Instant yeast

1/2 sachet

Rum flavour

1/2 can


260 grams

Colored sugar flakes

40 grams

Sunflower oil

40 grams

Desserts from Italy

Water muffins.

Water muffins.

vegan with gluten

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Water muffins.

I used 5 cm diameter cups, they come out 15. They can also be made with gluten-free flour, cocoa, chocolate drops, etc. They are perfect for breakfast or as a snack, even to serve with coffee.

Water muffins. step 1

step 1

Let's start by heating the oven to 180 °. In a bowl combine: 300g flour 140g sugar 1/2 sachet of yeast

Water muffins. step 2

step 2

Add stirring with the whisk: 260ml water 1/2 bottle of essence with rum 40g of oil 40g approx. Of colored sugar pralines

Water muffins. step 3

step 3

Put the dough in the molds and inform for 15 minutes.

Water muffins. step 4

step 4

Remove from the oven and leave to cool to room temperature. You can leave them naked or decorate them with cream, icing, chocolate, etc. In this case I decorated them with whipped cream until stiff with the addition of a fixative (corn starch) to keep it from being disassembled.

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