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Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes




Rapiniorbroccoli rabe

200 grams


2 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

4 spoons

Spicy chillies

1 gram


350 grams

first courses from Italy - Campania

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes

vegan with gluten with good fats

ready in

40 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes

Healthy and good dish

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes step 1

step 1

Clean and wash turnip greens and set aside ... meanwhile peel, wash and cut into pieces 2 medium sized potatoes

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes step 2

step 2

Put the potatoes in a large pot, where we will have to boil the dpaghetti, fill it with water and put it on the fire, until the potatoes are cooked

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes step 3

step 3

Same in the pot to roughly crush the potatoes, add the broccoli and salt, cook until the turnip tops are not beautiful soft

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes step 4

step 4

If there is not enough water, add a little bit of it, and as soon as it boils, let the spaghetti fall better on the guitar, cook and cook halfway a little water, put it on the fire and season with 4 tablespoons of oil to adjust if necessary ... ..

Spaghetti alla chitarra with turnip tops and light potatoes step 5

step 5

Serve the pasta al dente and with the cooking sauce you can add a spicy and good appetite ...

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