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Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate




Rice cakes

4 unit


100 grams

Bitter cacao

5 grams

Lowfat white yogurt

125 grams

Peanut butter

5 grams

Desserts from Italy - Toscana

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate

vegetarian with lactose with nuts high in potassium

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate

A sweetness without sin

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate step 1

step 1

Crush the banana with a fork, add the low-fat cocoa powder and mix well

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate step 2

step 2

Put a biscuit on a plate, sprinkle with a spoonful of yogurt and a banana and cocoa cream e

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate step 3

step 3

Lay the second biscuit on top and proceed in the same way with the third one

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate step 4

step 4

After the cocoa cream, cover with the last biscuit and cover the turret with the remaining yogurt

Gallettamisù vanilla, banana and chocolate step 5

step 5

Sprinkle with a little powdered cocoa powder and add the peanut butter

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