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Sweet cocoa and almond rolls




Type 00 wheat flour

300 grams

Bitter cacao

1 spoon


50 grams

Fresh brewer's yeast

7 grams

Lactosefree milk

75 grams

Sunflower oil

33 grams

White sugar

70 grams


1 teaspoon

Barley malt

1 teaspoon

Vanilla extract

1 teaspoon


1 unit

Desserts from Italy

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls

vegetarian with gluten with eggs with nuts

ready in

3 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls

On the wave of pangoccioli they were born, soft cocoa sandwiches with crunchy almonds!

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls step 1

step 1

Prepare the yeast: in a bowl, dissolve the yeast with the malt and honey in 50ml of warm water. Cover and let rest 30 minutes.

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls step 2

step 2

Add the warm milk, oil, egg, vanilla and sugar and mix. Then add the remaining flour sifted with cocoa little by little.

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls step 3

step 3

Coarsely chop the almonds and add them to the dough. Obtained a homogeneous and elastic dough, cover it and let it rise covered for 2 hours in the oven with the light on.

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls step 4

step 4

Pick up the dough, knead it briefly and form balls. Crush them and roll them in 2 directions, then place them on a plate lined with parchment paper, cover and let rest 30 minutes.

Sweet cocoa and almond rolls step 5

step 5

Brush with a mix of oil and milk and bake in a static oven at 180 ° c for 15 minutes.

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