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Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables




Precooked chickpeas

280 grams


120 grams

Peas, frozen

120 grams

Spring onions

40 grams

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon


2 sprigs


1 pinch

Curry powder

2 teaspoons

Chickpea flour

1 spoon

second courses from Italy

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables


ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables

Quick and easy vegan burgers, ideal to freeze and have on hand for a last minute dinner

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 1

step 1

Cook the peas, grated carrots and finely chopped spring onions in a pan with a drizzle of oil, add a teaspoon of curry if you like the flavor. At the end of cooking salt to taste.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 2

step 2

If during cooking the vegetables pulled out a lot of water, let it dry, we don't want to run the risk of having too much liquid mixture.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 3

step 3

Drain the chickpeas and rinse them from the cooking water, put them in a blender and chop them coarsely, a cream must not be created, some chickpeas must remain in small pieces.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 4

step 4

Add the previously cooked vegetables and finely chopped parsley to the mixture and blend for a few seconds, just to mix all the ingredients.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 5

step 5

The mixture must be dry and compact, if it is a little damp, add some breadcrumbs or chickpea flour. Taste the mixture and adjust salt and pepper if necessary, non-vegan friends can add a sprinkling of grated cheese.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 6

step 6

Form balls of mixture and crush them in your hands, obtaining medallions of about 1 cm, pass the burgers obtained in breadcrumbs or chickpea flour, I have obtained 5 burgers. Cook in a pan with a drizzle of oil, hot pan, about 5 minutes per side.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 7

step 7

The burgers can be cooked in a hot oven at 200 ° C for about 20 minutes, always turning them halfway through cooking. They should be golden brown.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 8

step 8

Serve with a vegetable garnish for a light pesto or between two slices of hamburger bread with vegetables and sauces to taste for a more tasty and decisive meal.

Vegan burgers with chickpeas and vegetables step 9

step 9

Enjoy your meal!

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