2 recipes


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Secret in thread of peas




Dried peas

50 grams

Rice flour

50 grams


50 grams

Rice oil

15 grams

Potato starch

a bit

Savoy cabbage

50 grams

Green cabbage

50 grams

Red cabbage

50 grams

Soy sauce

3 spoons


4 leafs

single courses from Italy

Secret in thread of peas

Secret in thread of peas

vegan source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

1 hour 30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Secret in thread of peas

The delicacy of a phyllo paste of peas and rice encloses the trio of cabbage. Serve with a dry and aromatic white.

Secret in thread of peas step 1

step 1

Grind the dried peas in a mixer until they are reduced to flour, add the rice flour, warm water, oil and work vigorously until obtaining a medium-elastic dough, helping yourself with the starch so as not to stick to the work surface .

Secret in thread of peas step 2

step 2

Make a loaf and cut into pieces, just grease, dirty with the starch and put to rest in a bowl covered with cling film and a warm napkin for fifteen / twenty minutes. After time, roll out each piece into a thin sheet and set aside.

Secret in thread of peas step 3

step 3

Now start overlapping them by greasing the previous one on the surface with the rice oil, place a second one on it and grease a third one. If you have enough, prepare sheets overlapping three by three, otherwise all together without greasing the last one.

Secret in thread of peas step 4

step 4

Now take the rolling pin and begin to press gently without sliding it, in several points on one side and the other, until it will seem that you have well pressed the whole surface. Then start pulling the dough until it is well spread as thin as possible.

Secret in thread of peas step 5

step 5

Place on a sheet of parchment paper soiled with starch, cover with plastic wrap and a warm kitchen towel and let rest. Slice all the cabbages, season them and let them steep. Take the dough again, cut some rectangles, fill them and close them by wetting the edges.

Secret in thread of peas step 6

step 6

As soon as you have them ready, put them in a baking tray with parchment paper, spacing them so that they do not stick. Grease the surface and bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes until the surface is crispy.

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