8 recipes


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Pizza no pizza




Wholewheat flour

150 oz

Greek lowfat yogurt

150 oz

Egg, egg white

250 oz


50 oz

Cherry tomatoes

a bit

Instant yeast for savoury dough

5 oz

Bakery products from Italy - Lazio

Pizza no pizza

Pizza no pizza

with gluten with eggs with fish high in calcium high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pizza no pizza

This pizza is based on egg whites Greek yoghurt and flour

Pizza no pizza step 1

step 1

Mix yoghurt flour and egg whites with a pinch of instant yeast to create an almost creamy dough

Pizza no pizza step 2

step 2

Put in a pan and add tomatoes and tuna

Pizza no pizza step 3

step 3

Bake at 180 degrees x 30 minutes

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