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Fast And Creamy Porridge





30 oz

Spelt flakes

20 oz

Vegetable milk

150 fl oz


1/2 glass


1 unit

Vanilla powder

1 teaspoon


1 teaspoon

Pumpkin seeds

1 spoon

Chia seeds

1 spoon

Desserts from North America

Fast And Creamy Porridge

Fast And Creamy Porridge

vegan with gluten high in fiber high in calcium source of D vitamins high in potassium with good fats

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Fast And Creamy Porridge

Are you looking for a tasty and satiating winter breakfast? Do you want a meal that gives you energy from the early morning? This recipe is your case. You can personalize it with your favorite vegetable milk and also play alternating flaked cereal

Fast And Creamy Porridge step 1

step 1

Weigh the flakes put them in a saucepan with the milk over medium heat. Add the chia seeds. Wash and cut the apple very small. Let it boil.

Fast And Creamy Porridge step 2

step 2

when the vegetable milk has dried almost completely, add the water and the pumpkin seeds.

Fast And Creamy Porridge step 3

step 3

When the water is almost completely absorbed, add the vanilla and cinnamon.

Fast And Creamy Porridge step 4

step 4

You can replace the apple with a ripe banana. You can garnish with dried fruit to taste

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