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Piadine healty




Rice flour

50 grams

Egg, egg white

300 grams

Flax seed

20 grams

Lettuce or salad

5 leafs


200 grams

Cottage cheese

200 grams


2 pinches


1 pinch


100 mL

single courses from Italy - Emilia-Romagna

Piadine healty

Piadine healty

with meat with eggs with lactose high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Piadine healty

Super protein dish and complete! Suitable for everyone at any time of the day

Piadine healty step 1

step 1

Heat a non-stick pan lightly greased with olive or coconut oil

Piadine healty step 2

step 2

Mix rice flour (or normal) with egg whites until it bubbles. Separately chop the flax seeds to release all the nutrients (in a mortar or with a knife)

Piadine healty step 3

step 3

Lower the heat and pour the mixture of flour, egg whites and seeds. Let it cook and turn immediately, creating pseudo discs

Piadine healty step 4

step 4

At this point, stuff with the salad, the cottage cheese and the cooked ham (you can also use the degreased raw or bresaola), rolling it like a piadina

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