117 recipes


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Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma




Iodized salt

to taste


to taste


1 teaspoon

Green beans

200 grams

Egg, egg white

500 grams

second courses from Italy

Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma

Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma

vegetarian with eggs high in potassium

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma

When protein is used, the albumi comes to our rescue!

Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma step 1

step 1

In a bowl pour the broths, mix the turmeric and salt, then add the beans previously boiled.

Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma step 2

step 2

Place a sheet of wet baking paper and squeeze it on a round pile of about 25 cm in diameter.

Tortino Of Suns Albums With Green Beans And Curcuma step 3

step 3

Pour the mixture, sprinkle with a bit of black pepper and put in a preheated oven at 200 ° for about 20 minutes. Serve hot, here it is!

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