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orecchiette with turnip tops




Orecchiette, pasta

500 oz

Rapiniorbroccoli rabe

1 and 1/2 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste


4 fillets


2 wedges


to taste

first courses from Italy - Puglia

orecchiette with turnip tops

orecchiette with turnip tops

with gluten with fish source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

orecchiette with turnip tops

orecchiette with turnip tops (revised procedure)

orecchiette with turnip tops step 1

step 1

Clean the turnip tops, removing the thicker leaves and the stalks

orecchiette with turnip tops step 2

step 2

Wash well and put them to boil in salted water for 10 minutes

orecchiette with turnip tops step 3

step 3

Drain well and consume them in a pan with oil and garlic

orecchiette with turnip tops step 4

step 4

Add the anchovy fillets over low heat to melt them

orecchiette with turnip tops step 5

step 5

Boil the orecchiette in the boiling water of turnip greens

orecchiette with turnip tops step 6

step 6

Drain halfway through the pan with the turnip tops, add a ladle of boiling water to the orecchiette and cook while risottando

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