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Strips with artichokes





600 oz


2 wedges


8 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons

Natural sea salt

to taste

Black pepper

to taste

White wine

to taste


1 oz

second courses from Italy - Lazio

Strips with artichokes

Strips with artichokes

with meat high in potassium

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Strips with artichokes

The straccetti artichokes are thin slices of meat jump briefly in the pan, for a second plate with built-in outline fast and easy. Even kids will love this dish gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo.

Strips with artichokes step 1

step 1

The complete recipe with all the tips you find here: https://morettoschefs.com/2017/02/17/straccetti-ai-carciofi/

Strips with artichokes step 2

step 2

To prepare the rags with artichokes games from cleaning the artichokes: Cut the stem and place it aside and prepare a bowl with cold water and lemon juice.

Strips with artichokes step 3

step 3

Eliminate the tough outer leaves (wash well and use them to prepare a vegetable broth) and cut the artichokes in half and eliminate the internal beard.

Strips with artichokes step 4

step 4

Put while the other half bath nellacqua acidulated to prevent blacken.

Strips with artichokes step 5

step 5

Built from each half 3-4 cloves and so proceed for all the artichokes, remembering to put them to soak as you cut them and clean.

Strips with artichokes step 6

step 6

Also clean the garlic cloves and crush lightly with the blade of a knife and put them in a large pot with the oil extra virgin olive.

Strips with artichokes step 7

step 7

Turn the heat to low and heat the oil, so that it takes all the Dellaglio perfume.

Strips with artichokes step 8

step 8

As soon as the oil is hot, drain the artichokes, pat dry with a paper towel and place in pan.

Strips with artichokes step 9

step 9

Raise the heat slightly and then take a little heat to the vegetable.

Strips with artichokes step 10

step 10

Pour the white wine and when all the alcohol has evaporated, lower the heat, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about ten to fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.

Strips with artichokes step 11

step 11

After this time, roofless and cure leventuale gravy if it should be too.

Strips with artichokes step 12

step 12

Raise the heat again, take the heat to the pan and add the rags.

Strips with artichokes step 13

step 13

Sear the meat for a few minutes, turn off the heat, salt and pepper (and possibly add the parsley) and brought to the table.

Strips with artichokes step 14

step 14

Use the stem of the artichoke to prepare a cream, a cream on pasta or our risotto with artichoke spread.

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