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Banana vegan pancakes




Baking powder for desserts

2 grams

Wholewheat flour

80 grams

Oat milk

60 grams

Brown sugar

50 grams


1 unit

Desserts from USA

Banana vegan pancakes

Banana vegan pancakes

vegan with gluten

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Banana vegan pancakes

Banana pancakes are simple and practical to prepare in the morning for breakfast when you want to eat something greedy and vegan.

Banana vegan pancakes step 1

step 1

Peel a mature banana and crush it with a fork, lowering it in puree. Add the sugar and mix.

Banana vegan pancakes step 2

step 2

Then pour the oatmeal that you can substitute with the vegetable juice you prefer. Add the flour and yeast and continue to rotate.

Banana vegan pancakes step 3

step 3

Heat a non-stick frying pan and lower the flame to minimum. If you want, you can add an olive oil to help you break the pancakes better. Pour a spoonful of dough into a diskette.

Banana vegan pancakes step 4

step 4

When you start bubbles on the surface you can turn it on. Cook the pancakes 2 minutes approximately on the side. Finally, remove them from the pan and form your row of pancakes to make them as you like.

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