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Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes




Chicken breast

1 gram


2 unit

Fontina cheese

12 slices

Fresh thyme

4 sprigs

White wine

1/2 glass

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

second courses from Italy

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes

with meat with lactose high in calcium source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes

A simple simple recipe to make the chicken breast tasty and soft. The zucchini and fontina that enrich the meat, and the thyme, tasty and delicate at the same time, transform the classic chicken slices usually a bit 'dry, in a tasty and very appetizing dish.

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes step 1

step 1

Cut a long thin sliced ​​zucchini, grate it in a non-stick frying pan and keep it aside.

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes step 2

step 2

In the same pan fry the chicken slices with a little oil and thyme, then blend with the white wine and once evaporate salt and pepper.

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes step 3

step 3

Add the other zucchini, peeled and diced, and cook for a whole ten minutes.

Spicy chicken escalopes with courgettes step 4

step 4

Then add the grilled zucchini on the meat, fill with a few fontins, cover with the lid and leave on the fire for another 5 minutes so that the cheese is melted.

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