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Chickpea salad and sweet potato.




American sweet potatoes

400 grams

Lettuce or salad

100 grams


20 grams

Lemon juice

1 spoon


1 spoon

Precooked chickpeas

265 grams

single courses from world

Chickpea salad and sweet potato.

Chickpea salad and sweet potato.

vegan high in potassium

ready in

40 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Chickpea salad and sweet potato.

Fresh, crunchy salad, with the meaty of sweet potato and crispy and spicy chickpeas, all seasoned with sesame sauce elongated with lemon juice.

Chickpea salad and sweet potato. step 1

step 1

We clean the sweet potato and deprive it of the peel. With a sharp knife, cut it in half, then placing the flat part on the cutting board, we make 2 or 3 mm thick slices.

Chickpea salad and sweet potato. step 2

step 2

We gather these slices in a large bowl and season with a little oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Chickpea salad and sweet potato. step 3

step 3

Season well and place on the baking sheet lined with aluminum paper, taking care if possible to spread them on a single layer, without overlapping. Then bake at 200 degrees for about 35 minutes (check the cooking).

Chickpea salad and sweet potato. step 4

step 4

We also cook chickpeas in the same way, seasoning them with paprika, salt, pepper and a drizzle of oil.

Chickpea salad and sweet potato. step 5

step 5

Assemble our salad! Cut the lettuce, place it on the plate that we will use and put on our chickpeas and finally the sweet potato.

Chickpea salad and sweet potato. step 6

step 6

For the cream will be enough to combine the tahini with water, so that it becomes more liquid (if your is less pasty, skip this step) and add the lemon juice to taste. With a spoon, season the salad, letting the dressing fall on it. We eat immediately!

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