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Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham




Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Black pepper

to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Dried marjoram

to taste


1 wedge

Dry tomatoes

10 unit


1 unit


1 unit


50 grams

Wholewheat penne

320 grams

first courses from Italy

Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham

Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham

with meat with gluten high in potassium with good fats

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham

The pens with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and ham are ideal for those with little time to devote to the kitchen, because they prepare in a short time.

Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham step 1

step 1

Drain the pasta al dente leaving.

Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham step 2

step 2

Place in the glass of the mixer avocado, one peeled clove of garlic, dried tomatoes, the lemon juice and dried marjoram. Then add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

placeholder step

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Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham step 3

step 3

Blend until the sauce has not reached a homogeneous consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

Penne with avocado sauce, dried tomatoes and raw ham step 4

step 4

Season the pasta with avocado salsa. Mix well. Serve the pasta with the ham cut into small pieces.

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