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protein coconut and chocolate Waffle




Baking powder for desserts

5 grams

Agave syrup

35 grams


30 grams

Bitter cacao

15 grams

Soy drink

100 grams

Egg, egg white

80 grams


100 grams

Desserts from Italy

protein coconut and chocolate Waffle

protein coconut and chocolate Waffle

vegetarian with gluten with eggs

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

protein coconut and chocolate Waffle

Sweet tasty that will give you the energy to start the day!

protein coconut and chocolate Waffle step 1

step 1

Mix flour, cocoa and coconut, then add the agave syrup and milk

protein coconut and chocolate Waffle step 2

step 2

Whisk the egg whites and fold, stirring from the bottom up. Heat the waffle machine and lay of the compound.

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