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Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket





2 unit


160 grams


1 unit

Green olives

10 unit

Rocket salad

10 grams


1 half

Iodized salt

1 pinch

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

second courses from Italy

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket

vegan high in fiber high in calcium

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket

Here's a quick and tasty recipe to prepare for lunch or dinner. It is the eggplant rolls stuffed with tofu cream, olives and rocket, light and delicious!

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 1

step 1

Clean and cut the eggplant into 1cm thick slices, then grigliatele, when they are ready salted each slice. Put aside the eggplant and let it cool.

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 2

step 2

Cut the tofu into cubes. In a pan, pour a round of extra virgin olive oil and tofu cubes. When the tofu begins to sizzle, add the lemon juice and cook.

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 3

step 3

Put the tofu in a blender, add some olives pitted and chopped, garlic powder and a drizzle of oil, then blend, you have to get a compound easily spreadable, add oil if too hard

placeholder step

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Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 4

step 4

When the tofu cream is ready pour it into a bowl and add a few rocket leaves cut with a knife, and adjust salt if necessary.

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 5

step 5

Put a bit 'of tofu cream, olives and rocket, on a slice of grilled eggplant, then roll it up to form the roll.

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 6

step 6

Repeat the process for all the eggplant placing the rolls in a tray. Serve the eggplant rolls warm decorated with a few leaves of arugula.

Eggplant rolls with tofu cream, olives and rocket step 7

step 7

Enjoy your meal! Follow my Facebook page: Easy Vegan Recipes

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