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Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella





5 spoons

Baking powder for desserts

7 grams

Iodized salt

1 pinch

Type 00 wheat flour

260 grams

Sunflower oil

30 grams

White sugar

140 grams


2 unit

Whole white Yomo yogurt

300 grams

Desserts from Italy

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella

vegetarian with gluten with eggs with lactose with nuts

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella

A dough to soft and fragrant yogurt, but it encloses a delicious surprise to Nutella.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 1

step 1

Started to turn on the oven to 180 degrees, static mode.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 2

step 2

Beat eggs (even with a hand whisk if you have not the power) with the sugar until it forms a cream.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 3

step 3

Add the oil and continue beating well.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 4

step 4

Then add the yogurt and continue beating.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 5

step 5

Gradually add the flour, salt and baking powder, monatre always good with whips or by hand with a spatula.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 6

step 6

Half fill 10 muffin molds regular size (not those for mini muffins or jumbo muffins, for instance) and pour over each half a teaspoon of Nutella.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 7

step 7

The dough is thick, so do not run the risk that the Nutella lunges! Coat each half with the rest of the mix and bake immediately.

Muffins with yogurt heart of Nutella step 8

step 8

Bake for about 18 minutes: since every oven is different, do the toothpick test before turning out. Here ready your muffins with yogurt and Nutella! Let cool, sformateli and enjoy!

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