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Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon




Egg, egg white

200 grams


100 grams

Smoked salmon

100 grams

second courses from Italy

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon

with eggs with fish source of C vitamins source of D vitamins high in potassium

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon

A second tasty and quick

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon step 1

step 1

Heat for a couple of minutes a rather large non-stick frying pan but from the low edges.

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon step 2

step 2

Pour the spinach and fresh, better if the baby in the leaf, and cook for a couple of minutes, just the time to make them dry.

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon step 3

step 3

Pour the broths, cover with the lid and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon step 4

step 4

When the album is cooked and solid even on the surface, turn off the flame, add the slices of smoked and rolled salmon

Roll of albumin with spinach and salmon step 5

step 5

Cool for a few minutes, sliced ​​and tasted

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