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tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds




Green beans

300 grams


230 grams

Feta cheese

100 grams

Extra virgin olive oil

16 grams


10 grams

Iodized salt

2 grams

first courses from Italy

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds

vegetarian with lactose high in fiber high in iron high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds

Tasty and light this salad can be served as a main dish or you can serve as a side dish ... the choice is yours ..

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds step 1

step 1

For one thing sprouted beans in the two opposite ends, wash thoroughly under running water and cook them to steam for 15 minutes. If you prefer you can also blanch them in boiling water for 7 minutes.

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds step 2

step 2

The green beans will stay beautiful crisp. Meanwhile, prepare the other ingredientiIo I used chickpeas cooked with steam, so I drained and rinsed them well from fluid retention.

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds step 3

step 3

Dice the feta and roasted for a few minutes the sesame seeds using a nonstick pan.

tasty salad with chickpeas beans slice and sesame seeds step 4

step 4

Now divide in half the beans, put them in a wide salad bowl and add all the ingredients, seasoned with oil and salt, then add the toasted sesame seeds and stir gently all over.

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