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Chicken breasts with butter and sage




Chicken breast

500 grams

Type 00 wheat flour

3 spoons


1 knob

Fresh sage

6 leafs

Iodized salt

to taste

Black pepper

to taste

Lemon juice

1 teaspoon

second courses from Italy - Puglia

Chicken breasts with butter and sage

Chicken breasts with butter and sage

with meat with gluten with lactose high in phosphorus

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Chicken breasts with butter and sage

The chicken breasts with butter and sage is a second simple plate and ultra for those with little time to devote to the kitchen, but still does not want to give up delicious recipes. #kitchen

Chicken breasts with butter and sage step 1

step 1

Wash the chicken slices dry with paper towels and flour them well in all sides.

Chicken breasts with butter and sage step 2

step 2

Melt a knob of butter in a skillet over medium heat, add the chicken breasts and let brown on both sides for 5 minutes.

Chicken breasts with butter and sage step 3

step 3

Lower the heat, add the sage and continue cooking the meat. cooking course depends on the thickness of the meat.

Chicken breasts with butter and sage step 4

step 4

When cooked, season with salt and pepper and serve hot.

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