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chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream




Chickpea flour

50 grams

Oat milk

100 grams

Yeast for bakery products

1 teaspoon

Iodized salt

to taste


1 half


5 grams

Dry parsley

to taste

Food yeast flakes

1 spoon

Flax seed

to taste

second courses from Italy

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream

vegan with gluten high in fiber high in iron high in calcium source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream

I tried doing these pancakes for a dinner in breakfast mode ... using only chickpea flour obviously have a different consistency than traditional pancakes but I've devoured them anyway!

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream step 1

step 1

Prepare the batter: chickpea flour plus a pinch of salt, yeast, and then add the oat milk until it is homogeneous but not too liquid. Cover with film and rest in the fridge.

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream step 2

step 2

Cook the cabbage for about twenty minutes. After having cooled it, shake it with a bit of oatmeal, parsley, tahin, a pinch of flake food yeast (or salt), spices to taste.

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream step 3

step 3

Prepare the pancakes by heating a non-stick frying pan with an oil wire. Pour a stack of batter into the center, wait for the bubbles to form on the surface and then turn gently.

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream step 4

step 4

With this dose you will get about 4 small pancakes. Each time you put one on the plate, cover it with cauliflower cream, once on the top sprinkle with flaxseed.

chickpea pancakes with cauliflower cream step 5

step 5

I have accompanied them with eggplants in oil. Enjoy your meal!

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