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Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds





350 grams


5 grams

Poppy seeds

5 grams

Extra virgin olive oil

16 grams

Iodized salt

1 gram

Side Dishes from Italy

Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds

Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds

vegan source of C vitamins high in potassium with good fats

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds

Very easy to prepare zucchini these are the perfect side dish ... try !!

Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds step 1

step 1

Preheat oven, it must reach a temperature of 180 degrees in a ventilated mode. Wash and trim in the two opposite ends of the zucchini, then cut into slices and place them in a baking tray ...

Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds step 2

step 2

coated with a sheet of parchment paper brushed with a dolium spoon. Brush the surface of the zucchini with each other spoon dolio. First Sprinkle with sesame seeds and then with poppy seeds

Courgettes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds step 3

step 3

... flip them and repeat this simple operation. Salt and when the oven has reached a temperature of 180 degrees cook them by placing the baking tray in the central part. In 15-18 minutes are cooked.

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