28 recipes


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Lemon and basil chicken fillets




Chicken breast

800 grams

Parmesan aged 30 months

50 grams

Bread for sandwiches

4 slices

Lemon peel

1 spoon


7 leafs

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon

Iodized salt

1 pinch


3 grams

second courses from Italy

Lemon and basil chicken fillets

Lemon and basil chicken fillets

with meat with gluten high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Lemon and basil chicken fillets

Whether it is meat, fish or vegetables, the meatballs all overtake, both large and small. Today I propose you a delicious and light variant, the recipe of baked chicken meatballs. You will feel goodness, one pulls the other! Here are the tender little mushrooms flavored with basil and lemon juice.

Lemon and basil chicken fillets step 1

step 1

The preparation of lemon and basil meatballs is simple and fast. Begin by letting the bread soak in a little water for a few minutes.

Lemon and basil chicken fillets step 2

step 2

Chop the chicken breast in a mixer, slowly adding grated parmesan cheese, the previously pressed bread, the basil leaves, the grated garlic of a lemon, salt and pepper.

Lemon and basil chicken fillets step 3

step 3

Formats of small meatballs like mussels. Before baking them do not forget to spit on them with extra virgin olive oil!

Lemon and basil chicken fillets step 4

step 4

Bake a 180 ° C stove for about 15 minutes until you see a golden crostick on the surface of the meatballs.

Lemon and basil chicken fillets step 5

step 5

If you are a large family and the time to make all the meatballs is not enough, the coppers will help you with which you can create (with the same dough as before) tasty chicken burgers

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