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Pancake Rice




Brown rice flour

50 grams

Soy drink

40 grams

Natural yogurt, sugar free

20 grams


20 grams

single courses from USA

Pancake Rice

Pancake Rice

vegetarian with lactose

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pancake Rice

Pancake of rice, light and easy to prepare, for a healthy breakfast, filling and nutritious.

Pancake Rice step 1

step 1

mix all the ingredients until the mixture is of medium consistency dough. add it to the water a little at a time. sweetened to taste.

Pancake Rice step 2

step 2

you can use the guar gum or xanthan or cornstarch to thicken the dough where it is too liquid, otherwise add more rice flour.

Pancake Rice step 3

step 3

well heat a pan. if of good quality need not add fat.

Pancake Rice step 4

step 4

Put a generous spoonful nice dough in pan and cook for about 1 minute. turn and cucoere for 30-40 seconds.

Pancake Rice step 5

step 5

I recommend to turn as soon as the pancakes are formed on the surface bubbles. dried and decided movements.

Pancake Rice step 6

step 6

stuffed to taste. I love it there with jam, peanut butter, cocoa cream or cremad the greek yogurt

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