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Tuna flour on various seeds




Chia seeds

to taste

Poppy seeds

to taste

Pumpkin seeds

1 spoon


2 fillets

second courses from Italy

Tuna flour on various seeds

Tuna flour on various seeds

with fish high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Tuna flour on various seeds

Delicious, light and different from the usual.

Tuna flour on various seeds step 1

step 1

They can be mixed, only sesame, only chia, only poppy, pumpkin, flax ... this choice is up to your taste or what you have in the pantry

Tuna flour on various seeds step 2

step 2

Take a pot where you pour the seeds and then tamponateli with the fish and voila, the game is done.

Tuna flour on various seeds step 3

step 3

Heat a frying pan and when it is hot let it squeeze for a couple of minutes to the side!

Tuna flour on various seeds step 4

step 4

Be careful that the seeds break out to pop corn, so do not leave it too much on the fire. Serve with raw olive oil and a pinch of pink salt.

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