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Cecina at Pizzaiola




Chickpea flour

100 oz


200 oz

Tomato paste

3 spoons

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons


3 teaspoons

Natural sea salt

to taste

Sweet paprika

to taste

second courses from Italy

Cecina at Pizzaiola

Cecina at Pizzaiola

vegan high in fiber

ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Cecina at Pizzaiola

Cecina cooked in pan is a sort of crêpes or pancakes, depending on the thickness, based on chickpea flour. This version of Pizzaiola is flavored with tomato and oregano concentrate, and it is very delicious!

Cecina at Pizzaiola step 1

step 1

Dissolve the tomato concentrate in water and pour into a bowl.

Cecina at Pizzaiola step 2

step 2

Add two tablespoons of oil, salt and oregano, and mix with a whip.

Cecina at Pizzaiola step 3

step 3

Add little chickpea flour at a time, always stirring with the whip to avoid lumps: you need to get a smooth batter.

Cecina at Pizzaiola step 4

step 4

Heat a non-stick frying pan, which is ideal for crêpes, with a light oil, and when it is hot, pour the compound well, evenly, uniformly.

Cecina at Pizzaiola step 5

step 5

Keep the flame at low medium intensity and bake it flat. When cooked on the one hand, you will see that the pancake will easily disappear. Turn and bake both sides.

Cecina at Pizzaiola step 6

step 6

Continue to pour out the batter.

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