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Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs




Precooked chickpeas

250 oz


50 oz

Food yeast flakes

1 spoon

Smoked paprika

5 oz


30 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste


to taste

Black pepper

to taste

second courses from Italy

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs

vegan with nuts with good fats

ready in

40 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs

The chickpea and hazelnut meatballs are tasty and delicious vegetarian and vegan tortillas that will make children and adults happy, a tasty healthy and light second course much loved by both adults and children.

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 1

step 1

First coarsely chop the hazelnuts in a mixer. Just over half of them pull them out of the mixer and put them aside, while the other one keeps chopping them more finely.

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 2

step 2

Drain the chickpeas and rinse them under running water to remove excess salt. Put the chickpeas in the container of the mixer, add a little water to soften them, then a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika and yeast (if you like).

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 3

step 3

Blend everything well until you reduce the mixture into a fairly compact and workable puree with your hands, if necessary to obtain a more solid compound add a little chickpea flour or breadcrumbs, to soften it instead add another bit of water.

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 4

step 4

Add the finely chopped hazelnuts to the puree and, with your hands moistened or with the help of a spoon, start to make meatballs of the same size and place them in a baking tray lined with parchment paper

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 5

step 5

Sprinkle the meatballs with the coarsely chopped hazelnuts and press them to make them stick well. Sprinkle the meatballs with a little oil and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, until they are golden brown.

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 6

step 6

These meatballs will be well crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. For an even tastier yield, then heat a little oil in a pan and cook for about 5-8 minutes per side, until they are evenly browned.

Chickpea and hazelnut meatballs step 7

step 7

Serve hot with an accompanying sauce, such as tzatzichi (click here for the recipe, and with a fresh green salad.Good appetite! FOR THIS AND OTHER RECIPES VISITED OUR FACEBOOK PAGE IOVEGGIE OR OUR BLOG: IOVEGGIE.IT

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