117 recipes


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Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly




Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Cherry tomatoes

10 unit


1 unit


150 oz

second courses from Italy

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly

vegan high in potassium with good fats

ready in

16 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly

Tempeh is a vegetable protein rich in protein and vitamin B12. Originally from South East Asia, it is obtained from the controlled fermentation of yellowed soy beans decorted: this particular process of processing makes it balanced and easily digestible.

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly step 1

step 1

In a non-stick frying pan pour a string of extra virgin olive oil and season for a few minutes the sliced ​​beetroot.

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly step 2

step 2

As you cut the cherry tomatoes in half, add them in a pan with a pinch of salt and let it dry for about 5 minutes turning to mix the flavors.

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly step 3

step 3

Cut the striped Tempeh pan and then each strip in half, then add it to the pan.

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly step 4

step 4

Let it bake in medium heat, adding a drop of water to prevent it from drying too much and to keep the creamy sauce of the cherry tomatoes with the shallot.

Tempeh Tomatoes Quickly step 5

step 5

If you need salt and serve hot, here it is!

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