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Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu




Wholewheat flour

60 oz

Type 1 wheat flour

140 oz


4 spoons

Sunflower oil

4 spoons


to taste


to taste


1/2 teaspoon


100 fl oz


3 unit


1 unit

Smoked tofu

180 oz

Soy drink

250 fl oz

Food yeast flakes

3 spoons


to taste

Grated lemon peel

1/2 teaspoon

Sunflower oil

2 spoons


to taste


to taste

starters from world

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu

vegan with gluten high in calcium with good fats

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu

Widespread throughout the '# winter, #porro is an excellent ingredient in the kitchen, but also a true friend of our prosperity, because it has good digestive, diuretic and disinfectant. Here it is in a #quiche all #vegan rich and tasty to be served warm or cold and also excellent as an aperitif.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 1

step 1

Mix the flour and add the baking soda, salt and pepper. Combine oil and water. Knead before helping in a bowl with a wooden spoon and then by hand on a work surface.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 2

step 2

Deriving dall'impasto a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl, covering it with plastic wrap.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 3

step 3

Cut into strips the leeks and fry them briefly in olive oil. Apart coarsely chop the tofu and add it to the potatoes previously boiled and mashed.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 4

step 4

Add the leeks and mix together, so you get a fairly smooth cream. If it turns out too thick, dilute it by adding unsweetened soy milk.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 5

step 5

Roll out the dough on a sheet of baking paper so as to obtain a sufficiently large disk to be coated from a 28 cm dish in diameter, and lay it bucherellarlo with a fork.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 6

step 6

Fill the dough with the filling prepared earlier and garnish the surface with sunflower seeds.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 7

step 7

Bake in a previously welded at 200 ° C convection oven for about 30-35 minutes, or until the surface is thoroughly browned.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 8

step 8

Cook the pie in a static oven at 200 ° C for 30 to 35 minutes.

Veganquiche with leeks and smoked tofu step 9

step 9

If you prefer, you can make the same savory cake in single portions. Just roll out the dough in order to get a rectangle and divide it into 8 parts that you can place in the spaces of a muffin pan lined with parchment paper.

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