49 recipes


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Mug of Apple and Cocoa




Rice flour

30 grams


40 grams


45 grams

Skimmed milk

10 grams

Bitter cacao

5 grams

Greek lowfat yogurt

20 grams

Vanilla flavour

1 unit

Baking powder for desserts

1 gram

Desserts from Italy

Mug of Apple and Cocoa

Mug of Apple and Cocoa

vegetarian with eggs with lactose

ready in

5 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Mug of Apple and Cocoa

Soft and fast to prepare, perfect for a snack or a last minute breakfast!

Mug of Apple and Cocoa step 1

step 1

Prepare the mixture by baking an apple with lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon (alternatively you can use a ready-made mousse).

Mug of Apple and Cocoa step 2

step 2

With the help of a fork, mix all the ingredients straight into a cup until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Cook in microwave for about 80/90 seconds, maximum power (850w).

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