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Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes





150 grams

American sweet potatoes

150 grams

Smoked salmon

125 grams

single courses from Italy

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes

with fish source of C vitamins source of D vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes

A full but simple and light dish, full of proteins, vitamins and minerals, ideal for post workout!

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes step 1

step 1

Clean and pour the broccoli in a pot of salty boiled water as desired. Drain them when they have reached the desired consistency (about 20 minutes).

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes step 2

step 2

Peel and cut the potatoes into sticks, season with oil and rosemary as desired and bake. Leave them in the oven until they reach the desired consistency (about 20 minutes).

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes step 3

step 3

Season the salmon slice with a little rosemary and bake along with the potatoes.

Salmon broccoli and American sweet potatoes step 4

step 4

Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve!

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