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Watermelon and kiwi icicles





300 grams


2 unit

White sugar

40 grams


20 grams

Desserts from Italy

Watermelon and kiwi icicles

Watermelon and kiwi icicles


ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Watermelon and kiwi icicles

Good, healthy, colorful and full of real fruit, these icicles are a fresh snack for our #bambini.

Watermelon and kiwi icicles step 1

step 1

I prepared the syrup, pouring water and sugar into a pan and boiling it in a low heat for five minutes, then quitting it cool.

Watermelon and kiwi icicles step 2

step 2

I said the kiwis, I shuffled them with a spoon of syrup and then I passed the sieve to the sieve so as to remove the seeds.

Watermelon and kiwi icicles step 3

step 3

I cut the watermelon into pieces, put off all the seeds with patience and shuffled the pulp along with the remaining syrup.

Watermelon and kiwi icicles step 4

step 4

I poured the watermelon juice in the icing molds and put them for about an hour in the freezer.

Watermelon and kiwi icicles step 5

step 5

After an hour, I picked up the icicles from the freezer and completed them with kiwi smoothie pulp and loaves. I let them freeze for good for more than three hours.

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