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Banana bread and gluten-free light





2 unit

buckwheat flour

7 spoons

Brown sugar

5 spoons


1 spoon

Baking powder for desserts

8 grams

Brown rice flour

5 spoons

Greek yogurt from full fat milk

125 grams

Desserts from world

Banana bread and gluten-free light

Banana bread and gluten-free light


ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Banana bread and gluten-free light

Very famous and luscious, in a light version and gluten free

Banana bread and gluten-free light step 1

step 1

As first thing mashed or mashed bananas up to reduce them into a homogeneous puree. Mix the two flours and add the sugar, banana and honey.

Banana bread and gluten-free light step 2

step 2

Add the yogurt and finally the yeast and mix well until complete amalgamation

Banana bread and gluten-free light step 3

step 3

Take a cake pan and line with parchment paper. Pour inside the mixture and level the surface with a scoop.

Banana bread and gluten-free light step 4

step 4

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 45 min. After the scheduled time always do the toothpick test. If pulling it comes out clean the cake is ready.

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