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Chocolate Chip Muffin veg





90 grams

Yeast for bakery products

15 grams

Bitter cacao

50 grams

Sunflower oil

60 grams


300 grams

Brown sugar

170 grams


50 grams

Type 0 wheat flour

200 grams

Dark chocolate chips, vegan

50 grams

Desserts from North America

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg

vegan with gluten

ready in

40 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg

Chocolate muffins really sweet tooth without eggs and milk, yet very soft and tasty! Seeing is believing!

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg step 1

step 1

Sift in a bowl all the ingredients except the baking powder, then add the vegetable oil and finally the water, stir with a whisk to mix thoroughly all ingredients.

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg step 2

step 2

Finally add the sifted baking powder and stir another few seconds so not too accurate. Lined aluminum cups with parchment paper squares or use a special mold by Muffin

placeholder step

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Chocolate Chip Muffin veg step 3

step 3

Half fill the cups with the mixture of muffins, then put a little 'jam filling, hazelnut cream veg, etc. and cover with more dough, it is important not to exceed 3/4 of the baking cups.

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg step 4

step 4

Once you filled all the cups arrange on a baking sheet and bake in oven at 170 ° for about 25/30 minutes, check the stabbing cooking the muffins with a toothpick.

Chocolate Chip Muffin veg step 5

step 5

Be careful not to overcook them or become more dry. When the muffins are ready pull them out of the oven, sprinkle with chocolate chips and then let them cool and enjoy them warm!

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