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Coffee ice-cream (without eggs and without ice-cream maker)




Whipping cream

250 grams

Espresso coffee

50 mL

Sweetened condensed milk

170 grams

Desserts from Italy

Coffee ice-cream (without eggs and without ice-cream maker)

Coffee ice-cream (without eggs and without ice-cream maker)

vegetarian with lactose

ready in

4 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Coffee ice-cream (without eggs and without ice-cream maker)

Very creamy, it has a very delicate flavor and is perfect both to be enjoyed as well as to be used as a base for delicious ice cream cakes.

Coffee ice-cream (without eggs and without ice-cream maker) step 1

step 1

First prepare the coffee, let it cool completely, then mix it with the condensed milk. Separately whip the cream and when it is firm, add the mixture of coffee and condensed milk.

Coffee ice-cream (without eggs and without ice-cream maker) step 2

step 2

Mix everything gently and pour the coffee ice-cream into a container with the lid. Put it in the freezer for at least 4-5 hours and remove it for a quarter of an hour before serving.

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