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100 grams


to taste

Barbecue sauce

4 spoons

Cordon bleu

2 unit

Swiss cheese

50 grams


1 unit


to taste

Dry brewer's yeast

1 unit

Iodized salt

1 teaspoon

White sugar

50 grams

Type 00 wheat flour

450 grams


30 grams


to taste

second courses from Italy



with meat with gluten with eggs with fish with lactose

ready in

4 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate


Homemade burger buns, a special and greedy recipe

PolloBurger step 1

step 1

Take water, butter, flour, sugar, salt and liver and mix them by working for about 10 minutes until you have a homogeneous, smooth and soft compound.

PolloBurger step 2

step 2

Place it in a slightly oiled bowl and cover it with a cloth. Leave it to rest for 2 hours, the volume will double.

PolloBurger step 3

step 3

Deflate the dough slightly, form a bundle and divide it into 8 pieces, each piece forming a disc of about 2.5 cm thick and a diameter of at least 8 cm.

PolloBurger step 4

step 4

Place the sandwiches on a little oil loaf, cover them and let them rise another hour and a half, they must be beautiful swollen.

PolloBurger step 5

step 5

Preheat oven at 180 °, brush sandwiches with egg and then sprinkle with sesame seeds.

PolloBurger step 6

step 6

Cook at 180 ° for about 15 minutes, they must be beautifully golden.

PolloBurger step 7

step 7

Take the cordon bleu and cook in a preheated oven at 180 ° for at least 10 minutes and fry the chips, drain them on absorbent paper to eliminate any trace of oil.

PolloBurger step 8

step 8

Open the hamburger buns in half, put a slice of melted cheese, two tablespoons of barbecue sauce, the cordon bleu

PolloBurger step 9

step 9

Above the cordon bleu a pinch of mustard and then the chips, rest the sandwich and put it two minutes to warm in a preheated oven at 100 °.

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