131 recipes


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Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese





400 grams


1 unit


to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Prosciutto, lean ham

60 grams

Cheese slices

4 unit

second courses from Italy

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese

with meat with gluten with eggs with lactose high in calcium high in potassium

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese

A tasty and tasty way to bring the pumpkin to the table

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese step 1

step 1

First of all, I get 4 slices of about 100g from an elongated pumpkin, then peel and dry them with kitchen paper towels.

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese step 2

step 2

Smash the egg, add a pinch of salt then step the pumpkin slices first in the beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese step 3

step 3

Steam with extra virgin olive oil, season with a pinch of salt and bake in preheated oven at 200 ° for about 10-15 minutes (in airfryer at the same temperature for 5-10 minutes)

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese step 4

step 4

Once my cutlets are cooked add the cheese (thin slices or similar) and the raw ham (a slice for cutlet) then leave it in the oven for another 1-2 minutes

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese step 5

step 5

I immediately serve my pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese

Pumpkin cutlets with ham and cheese step 6

step 6

Enjoy your meal!

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