56 recipes


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Vegetable couscous





500 grams


1 unit

Red peppers

1 unit

Yellow peppers

1 unit


3 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Black pepper

to taste

Garlic powder

to taste


to taste

single courses from Lebanon

Vegetable couscous

Vegetable couscous

vegan with gluten source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

25 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Vegetable couscous

cous cous with a mix of fresh vegetables

Vegetable couscous step 1

step 1

Cook the cous cuos following the directions on the package.

Vegetable couscous step 2

step 2

Meanwhile, wash the vegetables and cut into cubes.

Vegetable couscous step 3

step 3

In a large pan heat a little olive oil with garlic Ages when hot, add the diced vegetables and begin to cook.

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Vegetable couscous step 4

step 4

Council to cook the vegetables separately, since they have different cooking times. Also remember not to overcook, should remain fairly crisp.

Vegetable couscous step 5

step 5

Season with salt and pepper.

Vegetable couscous step 6

step 6

Mix well cous cous and vegetables and add a little olive oil extra virgin raw and oregano to taste.

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