117 recipes


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Piadina oil, flour and water





to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons

Type 00 wheat flour

150 oz

Bakery products from Italy - Emilia-Romagna

Piadina oil, flour and water

Piadina oil, flour and water

vegan with gluten with good fats

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Piadina oil, flour and water

What's more good piadina? Sweet or salty is very easy to do.

Piadina oil, flour and water step 1

step 1

Pour the flour into a large bowl, add the olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Piadina oil, flour and water step 2

step 2

Begin to knead adding warm water flush, until obtaining a homogeneous and non-sticky dough, such as for bread dough or pizza. In this case, however, no need to add yeast.

Piadina oil, flour and water step 3

step 3

Cover with a towel and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Piadina oil, flour and water step 4

step 4

Then divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll it out with a rolling pin maintaining a thickness of 3 or 4 millimeters. Help yourself with a lid and with a knife in order to obtain the forms as round as possible.

Piadina oil, flour and water step 5

step 5

Heat a large frying pan without adding oil and cook the tortillas for about 2 minutes per side, turning them carefully.

Piadina oil, flour and water step 6

step 6

Move on a plate, let cool and get ready to fill. Done!

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