131 recipes


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Potato dumplings and baked spinach




Early potatoes

600 oz


300 oz

Grated Grana Padano

30 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon


to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Side Dishes from Italy

Potato dumplings and baked spinach

Potato dumplings and baked spinach

vegetarian with lactose source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Potato dumplings and baked spinach

A delicious, quick and light recipe based on new potatoes and spinach # babies

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 1

step 1

First, carefully wash the fresh potatoes under running water and boil them in boiling water for about 15 minutes (alternatively you can cook them in the microwave as explained here http://bit.ly/2upptYh)

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 2

step 2

In the meantime, sprinkle spinach in salty boiling water (if you buy them frozen, follow the instructions on the packaging) then drain them into a bowl of water and ice and finally squeeze them

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 3

step 3

Once cooked peel the potatoes, crush them with a fork and add to the compound obtained the spinach well squeezed and smoothed finely

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 4

step 4

Then add grated grated padano, nutmeg and salt and mix thoroughly

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 5

step 5

Make your meatballs with your hands (usually I get 30 small ones), place them on an oven-baked pan and brush with the oil evo

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 6

step 6

All you have to do is pour your potato and spinach meatballs in a ventilated oven at 200 ° for about 10 minutes

Potato dumplings and baked spinach step 7

step 7

Once cooked, you can consume them immediately, keep them in the fridge for a day or freeze them forever ready to enjoy

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