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Spaghetti with borage and goji berries





150 oz

Dehydrated Goji berries

25 oz


30 oz


1 unit

Pecorino cheese

25 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Iodized salt

to taste


to taste

first courses from Italy

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries

vegetarian with gluten with lactose

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries

But who said that the Goji Berry can be consumed at most breakfast with muesli? Easy, fast and tasty, this recipe undermines the prejudices in the kitchen.

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries step 1

step 1

Put on the fire the pot for cooking pasta, room water and to boil the spaghetti dives.

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries step 2

step 2

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: wash borage, tamponala with paper towels and cut into thin strips.

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries step 3

step 3

Cut the shallots thin and let in a wide frying pan with hot oil.

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries step 4

step 4

Season with salt and pepper, add the first goji berries and then borage, mix and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes.

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries step 5

step 5

Bagna with goji juice and cook a few minutes, so that the borage scored only withered. Drain the pasta al dente, tuffala in the pan with the sauce, add a ladle of the cooking water.

Spaghetti with borage and goji berries step 6

step 6

Finally, season with salt and pepper, add grated cheese and serve.

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