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Baked chickpeas





1 sprig


to taste

Iodized salt

to taste

Yellow corn flour

25 grams


1 unit

Precooked chickpeas

160 grams

second courses from Italy

Baked chickpeas

Baked chickpeas

vegetarian with eggs

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Baked chickpeas

Ready for a moment, tasty and read!

Baked chickpeas step 1

step 1

Switch on the static oven at 180 ° C.

Baked chickpeas step 2

step 2

If you use canned chickpeas, rinse them well under cold water. Place the chickpeas in the griddle of the chopper and apply it to chop it roughly.

Baked chickpeas step 3

step 3

Add the egg and re-energize the chopper. You will get a very moist compound.

Baked chickpeas step 4

step 4

Transfer the mixture into a bowl, salt and pepper to taste and mix well with a spoon. Add crushed parsley and corn flour and mix everything.

Baked chickpeas step 5

step 5

The dough will be soft and slightly sticky, but workable with your hands: pick up little dough at a time and make it turn between the palms of your hands to form the meatballs.

Baked chickpeas step 6

step 6

If it becomes too sticky, add more flour.

Baked chickpeas step 7

step 7

Place the meatballs on a plate covered with oven paper and bake for 15-20 minutes, turning them half-cooked.

Baked chickpeas step 8

step 8

The meatballs are stored in the fridge for a couple of days.

Baked chickpeas step 9

step 9

If no previously frozen ingredients have been used, they can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

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